Florida | Read Time: 4 minutes

Short Overview on Running a Wine Product Business in Florida

Starting a wine products business in Florida can be an exciting and rewarding venture. Whether you’re looking to launch a canned wine brand or sell wine online, there are several key steps and considerations to keep in mind. Here’s some general advice to help you get started and succeed in the wine industry in Florida. 1. Research and Planning...

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Breweries | Read Time: 4 minutes

Assignments of Alcohol Distribution Agreements in Florida

In Florida, alcohol distributors occasionally seek to transfer their distribution agreements to new distributors. The roles of beer, wine, or distilled spirits suppliers vary greatly in these assignments. While, beer distribution agreements are tightly regulated by the Florida Beer Franchise Law. assignments of wine or distilled spirits distribution agreements are governed only by general contract laws and principles. Florida...

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Retail | Read Time: 3 minutes

Large-Format Wine Bottles Legal in Florida

Opening a 6-liter Methusaleh bottle of Veuve Clicquout Brut Champagne at your next family or friends gathering in Florida would certainly make a statement! It’s not just about the luxury of the champagne, but also the symbolism of breaking free from restrictive laws and embracing a spirit of celebration and freedom. Since the House and Senate approved Rep. Chip...

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Beverage Legislation | Read Time: 2 minutes


FLORIDA LEGISLATURE PASSED TWO BILLS AFFECTING THE BEVERAGE LAWS The 2024 session of the Florida Legislature featured 8 bills proposing to change Florida’s alcoholic beverage laws. The session ended March, 8, 2024. Two of pairs of bills passed both houses of the Florida Legislature and are now on their way for signature by the governor. The other bills did...

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ABT | Read Time: 4 minutes

Florida Craft Distillery Licensing Challenges

Florida’s craft distillery scene has seen a remarkable surge since the enactment of the Craft Distillery Law in 2021. The numbers tell the story: from 84 licensed distilleries in September 2021, the count has now soared to 118 by September 2023. Many of these new licenses belong to manufacturers already operating as breweries or wineries, sharing manufacturing spaces to...

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Breweries | Read Time: 2 minutes

Steps for Winding Up an Alcohol Business

Winding up a business, especially in the world of alcohol manufacturing, involves a detailed process divided into three main parts: regulatory requirements, handling creditors’ claims, and managing assets. Here’s a breakdown of what each of these involves: Regulatory Requirements: For alcohol manufacturers, meeting regulatory demands is a crucial step in winding up operations. This primarily revolves around dealing with...

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ABT | Read Time: 4 minutes

US Appeals Court: Florida Cannot Stop Direct-to-Consumer Shipments by Out-of-State Wine Retailers

The United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit recently ruled that the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (ABT) waited too long–by 16 years–to try to change a district court ruling that allows out-of-state wine retailers to sell and deliver wine directly to Florida consumers. See Bainbridge vs Director of the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages...

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Breweries | Read Time: < 1 minute

Alcoholic Beverage Industry Participates and their Roles

There are a number of different ways for businesses to participate in the alcoholic beverage industry. To get the right federal and state alcoholic beverage licenses and permits, you first have to identify what role or roles your business will play. Alcoholic Beverage Industry Participation Profiles provides a table of common activities in the alcoholic beverage industry and identifies...

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Beverage Legislation | Read Time: 3 minutes

The Role of Local Government in Alcohol Regulation

When it comes to alcoholic beverage regulation, most of the spotlight falls on federal and state laws. These regulations are essential in ensuring the safe and responsible production, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages. However, there’s a significant mistake that often goes unnoticed – the lack of attention given to local government ordinances and rules. In this post, we’ll...

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Breweries | Read Time: 3 minutes

Navigating Food Licenses for Breweries, Brewpubs, Wineries, and Distilleries

If you’re thinking about starting a brewery, brewpub, winery, or distillery, it’s important to understand that these businesses require special licensing for both alcohol and food. While alcohol has its unique regulations, it is still considered a food product by the primary food regulatory agencies. In this blog post, we will explore the requirements for obtaining food licenses and...

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