Businesses have a number of options for participating in the Florida alcoholic beverage industry. This chart compares common industry participation profiles on the basis of what they may do under Florida Beverage Law.

ManufacturerDistributorBroker-Sales AgentImporterUnlicensed Brand DeveloperRetailer
Create brand namesXXXXXX
Design brand packagingXXXXXX
Obtain federal trademark registration on unique brand names and designsXXXXXX
Formulate brand recipesXXXXXX
Manufacturer alcoholic beverage productsX     
Contract manufacturers to produce brand productsXXXXXX
Purchase (without possession) brand products from producers in FloridaXXX   
Purchase (without possession) brand products from producers outside Florida X X  
Arrange for internationally produced products to clear US customs X X  
Take physical possession of purchased products X   X
Store purchased products X   X
Transport purchased products X    
Promote brands for sale to licensed retailersXXXXX 
Promote brands for sale to retail customersXXXXXX
Sell products to licensed distributorsXXXX  
Sell products to licensed retailers X    
Sell products to retail customers     X

Do you have questions about participating in the alcoholic beverages industry? Contact us to schedule a consultation with a beverage attorney.

Because we’re attorneys: Disclaimer. Posted September 10, 2023.